Thursday, August 25, 2011

Painting 110 - 8/18

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Because I can't count, here's the eighth installment of my Value Challenge Week. I'm overall happy, even if the handle is a little rubbery-looking.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Painting 109 - 8/17

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Hahaha, just to spite me, this half-hour painting came out better than some of the ones I was actually putting effort into. It's my tiny Moleskine, which I actually haven't worked in for a while (a friend bought me one of those hardbacked black ones~). The cast shadow perspective is off and not contrasty enough, but apart from that...

Painting 108 - 8/16

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There's something off on the perspective of this... it's an okay painting, just a leeeetle bit off. I don't think the contrast is high enough, for one thing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Painting 107 - 8/15

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This... this one looks better the further you get from it. Up close, it's sloppy and awful and augh. The circles are aaaaalmost right, which is a saving grace or sorts?

Painting 106 - 8/14

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The converter plug thing for my Macbook charger! Bah, bad perspective on the end thing, but the rest of it's okay? Feh.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Painting 105 - 8/13

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Despite some initial problems with the shape of the handle, I am very pleased with the result of this painting. Except for that damn line on the far side of the shovel part of the shovel - what was I thinking?

Painting 104 - 8/12

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This thing is a keyboard brush with its brush bit retracted, as I'm sure you all knew already (haha). It has an endearingly goofy smiley face!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Painting 103 - 8/11

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And thus, the start of my Value challenge week. The reasoning behind it is twofold: one, I do need to work on value structure and identifying values; two, I was bouncing all over the city for a weekend and didn't want to take my entire kit. It's notacopoutnotacopoutnotacopout mostly because I did actually make an effort to learn about values as I worked.

I don't remember where I got this stone, but it's pleasingly scooped out and in general an interesting shape. Clearly I am easily amused.

Painting 102 - 8/10

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This little trinket is something I picked up at my very first MoCCA Festival. Painting a painting - even something so small and simple - is an interesting challenge. If I were more ambitious, I'd try experimenting with it properly... but I'm not. Some other time!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Painting 101 - 8/9

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I painted this creature once before! It's sort of better this time(???) but it remains a difficult color for me to light and throw into shadow and cool off properly. This time I did achieve its staring eyes properly, though, and since that's from whence all of its awesome creepiness springs from, I count myself content.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Painting 100 - 8/8

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And then, to make up for that travesty, my hundredth painting - hundredth painting!! - turned out pretty damn well.

It's a miniature of Eowyn's sword from The Lord of the Rings movies, stuck in a bit of kneaded eraser. This is my pleased face.

Painting 099 - 8/7

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Gross gross gross.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Painting 098 - 8/6

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This was subjected to the same indignity as the previous painting re: transport, but this one is all in shades of Burnt Umber, a very quick-drying earth tone, with enough drying medium mixed in that I would have been shocked if it hadn't been okay for the busride.

Painting 097 - 8/5

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A decent painting, but one that got a little wrecked in the transit home. (a still-damp painting doesn't like being covered in Saran wrap and stuck into a drawing pad, oh no.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Painting 096 - 8/4

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...followed immediately by a really good painting. I can paint green things now! Also, clear things!

Painting 095 - 8/3

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And then I painted something terribly. Where did I put that 'how can art' tag...

Painting 094 - 8/2

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Behold, my TARDIS mug :'D

The shadow value wouldn't be so reprehensible if I hadn't made the TARDIS so dark and chromatic. As it stands, I'm only okay with it because, c'mon, a TARDIS mug.

Painting 093 - 8/1

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And so starts my series of paintings from DC. That's right, folks, I took my supplies with me on vacation. That is dedication.

Here is a turtle nightlight. I wish I could reliably put shadows in perspective correctly.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Painting 092 - 7/31

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Dear Jenna, GET THE DRAWING RIGHT BEFORE YOU PAINT. The shape of my face is correct here, but my right eye is sliding off of the side of my face and my nose is just wrong wrong wrong. And my lips are liver-colored, but that has more to do with me failing at color than failing at drawing. In general, I need to learn my lesson and stop attempting paintings in natural light until I have a better grasp on subtle lighting and the resulting palette.

I'm not convinced it's an improvement from last month's self portrait. I need to combine the two of them at the end of this month to be successful.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Painting 091 - 7/30

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Painting this feather was hard. My window was open to catch a breeze and, haha, surprise! The feather kept moving. But I got it done, and I'm pleased overall. Especially that tip with the green ink.

Painting 090 - 7/29

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This is a thing my made for me by my little sister. It's called a monkeyfist and it was hard to paint, ahahaaaha. I'm happy, though, except that the shadows are tilted. I like the colors, though. Woo.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Painting 089 - 7/28

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And then I won at green and glass :'D

There's not really much to say, beyond the fact that I am very, very proud of myself.

Painting 088 - 7/27

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Sometimes, following a success with a blah doesn't hurt so much. I'm sort of just resigned to this painting, rather than ashamed of it.

Painting 087 - 7/26

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So, it seems that glass-with-liquid-in has ceased to be terrifying or impossible, and has entered into the realm of Doable. This is exciting and encouraging :D

Friday, August 12, 2011

Painting 086 - 7/25

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As I said earlier, I'm really sick of this project... but every now and then, I hit a painting like this, which is really simple and shows me exactly how much better I've gotten. It is very encouraging, and like a breath of fresh air.

Painting 085 - 7/24

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lern2chroma, jenna.

My clay monkey chime deserves better treatment than this.

Painting 084 - 7/23

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And then I painted a thumbtack! I had fun playing with more colors than I usually use in the background, and also with painting a very small object.

Painting 083 - 7/22

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In which I make a cop-out painting not a cop-out painting by getting the cast shadow right.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Painting 082 - 7/21

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Another egg! This has way too much dark chroma and brushstrokes going on, but I'm pretty happy with it anyway? I don't even know any more.

Painting 081 - 7/20

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One of the biggest things I've realized during this project is: if you get the cast shadow right, it can elevate a mediocre still life; if you get the shadow wrong, it doesn't matter how well the object is painted. Not that it's painted super well to begin with here.

This is not the first time I have painted the Inception Top. Last time was better, ffff.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Painting 080 - 7/19

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The reason I haven't been posting recently is because I am getting so sick of this project, omg. But I've been painting every single day, still, and I am starting to post again!

Here is a dead rose that I painted! I'm very proud of myself, since it's three things I'm historically weak at painting: red things, green things, and flowers. And I did a good job! Yay!